Carpenter, 262072205

Course code: 262072205
City: LinkuvaSimnasSalantaiRamygalaZagareSkaudvilėKudirkos NaumiestisGelgaudiskis EzerelisPagegiaiVieksniaiVilkija TytuvenaiRudiskes VentaBirstonasAkmeneSeduvaAriogalaNeringaEisiskesZiezmariaiRietavasLazdijaiKalvarijaTrakaiSvencionysVievisPakruojisNemencineKybartaiSilaleSvencioneliaiIgnalina SakiaiPabradeSkuodasSirvintosMoletai Kazlu RudaKupiskisZarasaiSalcininkaiPasvalysNaujoji AkmeneKaisiadorysKelmeVarenaJoniskisPrienaiAnyksciaiVilkaviskisRaseiniaiLentvarisGarliavaJurbarkasGrigiskesBirzaiElektrenaiRokiskisDruskininkaiRadviliskisSilutėKretingaPlungeVisaginasUkmergeKedainiaiUtenaNaujoji AkmeneKelmeKursenai
Price:sukonkretinti (anglų. POA)


The joiner's curriculum is designed for the production of woodwork, products (doors, windows, etc.), collecting, installing and finishing the decoration of joinery, capable of processing wood manually and mechanized.
In order to achieve these goals, the final tables in the theoretical classes are taught the technology of joinery work, the use of woodworking tools and equipment, drawing, occupational safety, environmental requirements, economics and labor law, etc.

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UAB Coscrete NewsNews

The UAB "COS LT" organizes certified training courses to workers in various fields, professionals and managers.

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Field of fire protection training of companies, bodies, organizations managers

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Competency improvement seminars

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