A locksmith-installer of gas networks and gas equipment in residential and public buildings.

Course code:260052235E
Validity:3 m.
City: LinkuvaSimnasSalantaiRamygalaZagareSkaudvilėKudirkos NaumiestisGelgaudiskis EzerelisPagegiaiVieksniaiVilkija TytuvenaiRudiskes VentaBirstonasAkmeneSeduvaAriogalaNeringaEisiskesZiezmariaiRietavasLazdijaiKalvarijaTrakaiSvencionysVievisPakruojisNemencineKybartaiSilaleSvencioneliaiIgnalina SakiaiPabradeSkuodasSirvintosMoletai Kazlu RudaKupiskisZarasaiSalcininkaiPasvalysNaujoji AkmeneKaisiadorysKelmeVarenaJoniskisPrienaiAnyksciaiVilkaviskisRaseiniaiLentvarisGarliavaJurbarkasGrigiskesBirzaiElektrenaiRokiskisDruskininkaiRadviliskisSilutėKretingaPlungeVisaginasUkmergeKedainiaiUtenaNaujoji AkmeneKelmeKursenai
Price:sukonkretinti (anglų. POA)


Training programme code 1524220/260052235

Can work as a locksmith-installer of gas networks and gas equipment in residential and public buildings.

Training duration: 2 weeks

Basal education: a locksmith

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The programme of the training of a locksmith-installer of gas networks and gas equipment in residential and public buildings is intended to train persons over 18 years of age with basic or secondary education and one year experience of working as a locksmith. Having completed the programme, persons will be able to install indoor low pressure gas networks and gas domestic appliances as well as accounting devices in residential and public buildings.

A locksmith-installer of gas networks and gas equipment in residential and public buildings should know the requirements of construction regulatory documents for the installation of gas networks and equipment and requirements to premises, where they are installed. He/she should know the purpose, characteristics, structure of installed equipment, recommendations for installation by producers, manufacturers, gas economy safety temporary rules within the scope of the works subject to performing.

Persons training under the programme familiarise themselves with the Law on Occupational Safety, gain knowledge about the requirements of safe work and fire safety installing indoor gas networks and gas equipment, performing hazardous works with gases.

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