Bricklayer, 262073206

Course code: 262073206
City: LinkuvaSimnasSalantaiRamygalaZagareSkaudvilėKudirkos NaumiestisGelgaudiskis EzerelisPagegiaiVieksniaiVilkija TytuvenaiRudiskes VentaBirstonasAkmeneSeduvaAriogalaNeringaEisiskesZiezmariaiRietavasLazdijaiKalvarijaTrakaiSvencionysVievisPakruojisNemencineKybartaiSilaleSvencioneliaiIgnalina SakiaiPabradeSkuodasSirvintosMoletai Kazlu RudaKupiskisZarasaiSalcininkaiPasvalysNaujoji AkmeneKaisiadorysKelmeVarenaJoniskisPrienaiAnyksciaiVilkaviskisRaseiniaiLentvarisGarliavaJurbarkasGrigiskesBirzaiElektrenaiRokiskisDruskininkaiRadviliskisSilutėKretingaPlungeVisaginasUkmergeKedainiaiUtenaNaujoji AkmeneKelmeKursenai
Price:sukonkretinti (anglų. POA)


The curriculum is intended for the construction of masonry, able to pave the walls, corners, walls and crossings, bulkheads, pillars and interiors of bricks, various blocks, to make simple formwork, to perform various simple structures of concreting works.

In order to achieve these goals, future masonry in the theoretical classes teaches the basics of general construction works, scaffolding and floor work, cargo hanging, simple concreting, masonry work for moderate construction, work safety and health work law, etc.

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We're busy working on the next major addition. Translation will be soon.

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The UAB "COS LT" organizes certified training courses to workers in various fields, professionals and managers.

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