A cargo lifter 260058206

Course code:260073205
Validity:3 m.
City: LinkuvaSimnasSalantaiRamygalaZagareSkaudvilėKudirkos NaumiestisGelgaudiskis EzerelisPagegiaiVieksniaiVilkija TytuvenaiRudiskes VentaBirstonasAkmeneSeduvaAriogalaNeringaEisiskesZiezmariaiRietavasLazdijaiKalvarijaTrakaiSvencionysVievisPakruojisNemencineKybartaiSilaleSvencioneliaiIgnalina SakiaiPabradeSkuodasSirvintosMoletai Kazlu RudaKupiskisZarasaiSalcininkaiPasvalysNaujoji AkmeneKaisiadorysKelmeVarenaJoniskisPrienaiAnyksciaiVilkaviskisRaseiniaiLentvarisGarliavaJurbarkasGrigiskesBirzaiElektrenaiRokiskisDruskininkaiRadviliskisSilutėKretingaPlungeVisaginasUkmergeKedainiaiUtenaNaujoji AkmeneKelmeKursenai
Price:sukonkretinti (anglų. POA)


State code 260058206

Code in accordance with the Lithuanian Education Classifier 23358

Title of the training programme in Lithuanian Krovinių kabinėtojo mokymo programa

Title of the training programme in English Training programme for a cargo lifter

Group of training programmes in accordance with Lithuanian Education Classifier Construction and Civil Engineering

Minimum education requirement (qualification)

Worker Study duration (in weeks) 2 weeks

Study duration (in hours) 64 hours

Awarded qualification or work permit can work as a cargo lifter

Age requirements over 18 y.o. Issued certificate (certificate level) code 1114

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The presented training programme for a cargo lifter is the first level programme. The purpose thereof is to prepare a cargo-lifter able to hang cargo (construction structures, timber, metal structures, etc.) on the hook of an elevating machine independently, to perform safely loading-unloading works. The training programme is designated to persons already having a worker’s qualification and envisages the training duration of 2 weeks (64 hours). The present training programme has been developed in compliance with the previously applied training programme of a cargo-lifter (of 66 hours duration) having assessed the references and remarks of the expert commission on work safety training programmes and in consideration of the new requirements for the vocational training programmes of the labour market. The programme may be applied as a separate training programme to persons, who have already attained their professional qualification. The programme can be used together with training programmes awarding with a professional qualification, where persons are taught to a particular specialisation of a builder (for example bricklayer, assembler, etc.). Having completed the present training programme, persons take an exam, which is held by the examination commission arranged by the head of the educational institution. The chairmen of the commission is a representative of employers or their organisation, work safety service specialists, crane work managers of the officers of the institutions authorised by the government supervising potentially dangerous equipment may be the members of the commission. A certificate (code 1114), giving a right to work as a cargo-lifter is issued to persons, who have successfully passed the exam.

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