An operator of a self propelled aerial platform 265084005

Course code:2651047102
Validity:3 m.
City: LinkuvaSimnasSalantaiRamygalaZagareSkaudvilėKudirkos NaumiestisGelgaudiskis EzerelisPagegiaiVieksniaiVilkija TytuvenaiRudiskes VentaBirstonasAkmeneSeduvaAriogalaNeringaEisiskesZiezmariaiRietavasLazdijaiKalvarijaTrakaiSvencionysVievisPakruojisNemencineKybartaiSilaleSvencioneliaiIgnalina SakiaiPabradeSkuodasSirvintosMoletai Kazlu RudaKupiskisZarasaiSalcininkaiPasvalysNaujoji AkmeneKaisiadorysKelmeVarenaJoniskisPrienaiAnyksciaiVilkaviskisRaseiniaiLentvarisGarliavaJurbarkasGrigiskesBirzaiElektrenaiRokiskisDruskininkaiRadviliskisSilutėKretingaPlungeVisaginasUkmergeKedainiaiUtenaNaujoji AkmeneKelmeKursenai
Price:sukonkretinti (anglų. POA)


State code 265084005

Code in accordance with the ISCED 23384

Level / type Vocational training

Area of education Transport services

Education sub-area Transport services

Minimum education requirement Basic education

Minimum qualification requirement C category driver

Work permit for a specific job can work as an escalator supervisor

Age requirements for persons willing to study under the respective programme (if limited) From the age of 18.

The year of admission, study mode, number of admitted students 2015 m, 7 weeks, Full-time

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The training programme is designated to prepare an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform able to supervise, maintain and operate safely a self-propelled aerial platform, performing construction repair, finishing, mounting and other works at high altitude. The future operators of self-propelled aerial platforms are taught to the knowledge and understanding of materials, reading of drawings, safe operation of self-propelled aerial platforms, technical mechanics, the composition of elevators, the continuous maintenance of self-propelled aerial platforms, economics, employment relationships, occupational safety and health, ergonomics and other subjects.

Practical training is conducted at enterprises operating self-propelled aerial platforms. The duration of practical training is 4 weeks. During such training, the skills of the operation, maintenance of self-propelled aerial platforms as well as other skills are consolidated and improved.

The programme is completed taking a qualification exam. Having completed the course, a person is awarded the qualification of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform.

Having completed the training programme of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform, the study may be continued in accordance with the programmes of the basic vocational education in the area of engineering and engineering professions, the sub-area of mechanics and metalwork or, having acquired higher education, the higher education programmes in the study field of mechanics engineering.

The training programme of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform is designated to persons over 18 years of age.

Qualification Description

The qualification of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform is required willing to work as an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform. Having acquired the qualification of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform, a person shall be able to:

maintain appropriately and operate safely an aerial platform performing the responsibilities of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform; assess the technical condition of a self-propelled aerial platform , position it correctly and prepare to work; lift safely people and required loads performing construction, repair, mounting and other works; read drawings and schemes presented in manuals, instructions, provide the first aid to people, the victims of an accident; know well the technical characteristics of the serviced self-propelled elevators and their mechanisms, the essence of the equipment and operation of self-propelled elevators, the types of technical maintenance and repairs, possible failures, defects of relevant parts and components; possible failures of the mechanisms of self-propelled elevators and the reasons thereof, work safety guide, the main provisions of the law on occupational safety and health, safe work requirements; to know the rules of fire safety working with self-propelled.

You can attain the qualification of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform in the labour market or basic vocational training institutions conducting training in accordance with the training programme of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform.

Persons willing to attain the qualification of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform must have basic education and the qualification of a C category driver or tractor–driver.

Having acquired the qualification of an operator of a self-propelled aerial platform, persons can work at enterprises, firms operating self-propelled aerial platforms or operate a self-propelled aerial platform.

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