State code 262084007
Code in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 23384
Area of education Transport services
Education sub-area Transport services
Awarded qualification, code Overhead crane operator
Minimum education requirement Basic education
Duration of the programme Full-time, 10, Weeks
Average duration of theoretical training 4 weeks
Average duration of practical training (also including the final practice) 12 weeks
Titles of documents proving your education, qualification and learning outcomes, codes
An overhead crane operator
Qualification certificate, 4111
Qualification certificate, 4112
Read moreIn theoretical lessons, future overhead crane operators are taught to know and recognise materials, general electrical engineering, to know and comply with the safety rules of the equipment and operation of lifting cranes, to know the equipment of overhead cranes, the basics of the technical maintenance and repairs of cranes, reading of drawings, technical mechanics, occupational safety and environment protection, work culture and ergonomics, economics and law.
Practical training is conducted at enterprises operating overhead cranes. The duration of practical training is – 6 weeks. During such training, the skills of material knowledge, the operation of an overhead crane, etc. are consolidated and improved.