Recently, while gasifying new objects or renewing existing boiler houses (of the second and third category )*, modern boilers with burners equipped with safety and control automation are usually installed. The supervision and maintenance of such boiler stations require qualified staff.
The present training programme is made with reference to the Rules of the Installation and Safe Operation of Water Heating and Steam Boilers, which Pressure Does not Exceed 0.7 Atmospheres and in compliance with the requirements of Article 3.8.5 of the Temporary Rules of Gas Economy Safety as well as on the grounds of the minutes of the decision No 42 taken on 23 09 1998 of the Scientific Technical Council of the AB "Lietuvos dujos" (Lithuanian gas), where the following proposals to include the following wordings into the Regulation “Gas Supply to Residential and Public Buildings” were made:
It is allowed to operate gas fired equipment installed in the boiler rooms and boiler houses of the II-nd category without any permanent servicing staff, in case if the following conditions are met:
- the equipment is located in isolated premises, where the alarm of the gasification of the premises and the door open alarm are installed;
- the facilities are equipped with safety and adjustment devices;
- the signals of all safety and adjustment devices shall be transferred to the control point with audio and visual (light) information;
- the owner of the facilities has concluded a contract with a qualified service to set up and commission the equipment and to perform its technical maintenance or has some qualified staff for the servicing thereof."
The training programme is applicable to train persons responsible for the maintenance and operation of boiler-rooms operated without any permanent servicing staff. The objective is to prepare persons with secondary education, who would be able to operate correctly and safely boiler-rooms (of the second or third category), where gas and liquid fuel fired boilers for water heating (up to 115°C) and steam production (up to 0.07 MPa) are installed.
The duration of such training is 2 weeks (74 hours). 58 hours are designated to teach theory and 16 hours are designated to practice. The theoretical teaching is performed in a room suitable to such teaching process, the school system of lessons and breaks is applied. Practical training is organised in operative existing boiler-rooms, boiler-houses.
Having successfully completed the present training programme, persons will be able to maintain and service correctly and safely boiler-rooms and boiler-houses operating without permanent servicing staff. A certificate will be issued to them (code 1114).
Refer to the Construction Technical Regulation STR 2.08.01:1996, Gas Supply to Residential Houses and Public Buildings.
The second category – heating appliances, of which at least one is more powerful than 100 kW, however not exceeding 225 kW, are installed in premises, and their total power does not exceed 1,5 MW;
The third category - heating appliances, which unit power does not exceed 100 kW, but not more than 2 appliances, are installed in premises.