The training programme for the operation of gas equipment in cars is the first level training programme. The objective thereof is to prepare a person authorised to operate dully and safely gas equipment for cars.
Persons over 18 years of age with basic education holding B category driving licence and having one year driving experience can train to operate gas equipment for cars.
The duration of training is 1 week (36 hours), 28 hours are designated for theory training, 8 hours - for practical training.
The theory training is conducted in premises suitable to the process of training. The school system of lessons and breaks is applied. The practical training of students is organised in enterprises, where gas powered cars, their repair, parking and assemblage stations are available.
Having successfully completed the present training programme, a person will be able to operate dully and safely gas equipment for cars and to perform hazardous works with gases.
A training programme completion certificate and a certification document is issued to a person authorised to operate gas equipment for transport vehicles.
A person authorised to operate gas equipment for cars will be entitled to get employment with an enterprise (organisation), where gas powered cars are available.